Tuesday, November 18, 2008

MY Challenge for YOU.....

Ladies -
I'm really impressed with everyones enthusiasm & dedication so far! We all know that December will be a challenging month with all of the extra 'Holiday Cheer' around us (extra parties, food that tends to be naughty and nice!), so I'm putting you to the challenge. ChickFitUSA is based on strength in numbers - so my challenge for you is to find one (or more) person to do ChickFitUSA training with you during the month of December. If you have someone who's in it with you, you'll definitely be more likely to stick to your plan through December and NOT lose the accomplishments you've made in November. Plus, there's nothing wrong with a little friendly competition right?!

Added Bonus.........if you refer a new person to sign up for ChickFitUSA training for December, you'll get January FREE. What better way to start off the New Year.......feeling accomplished after the Holidays (and not back at square one) and have a little extra change in your pocket too!

My First 5K!

Ladies -
Please post the time of your first 5K here. When you approach your next 5K aim to improve by 30 sec or more! Use each other as a bit of friendly competition! :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

November 08 Goals

Ladies - Only a few days to SIGN UP to start your ChickFit training on Nov 1st! If you're not yet SIGNED UP, then go to www.ChickFitUSA.com and click under the "get started" tab to SIGN UP for November training.

If you're already SIGNED UP, please post one goal you want to accomplish this month.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Welcome to ChickFitUSA

Ladies - Welcome to ChickFitUSA! Please use this blog as a forum to interact with each other and build a ChickFit community. Ask questions.....post workout results.....motivate one another.....tell your story!